How IoT can help optimizing Healthcare Sector in Canada

Improved technology is aiding in solving many of the existing problems of today. With the collaboration of IoT Trends, healthcare in Canada is making giant leaps to improve the efficiency of treatment and monitoring of health care of patients. With the passing decades, the health issues have also multiplied and healthcare industry is one of the most sought after and crucial industry. To leverage the use of recent trends in IoT, Canada has implemented smart healthcare in the form of smart hospitals and various monitoring techniques to stand out as an example to the other countries.


  • Remote Monitoring – Lack of monitoring a patient results in repeated visits to the hospital. With the help of IoT devices and wearables with embedded sensors, the patient condition can be continuously monitored. The data from the sensors is connected to the cloud, where the data is continuously stored and analyzed for the condition of the patient. Periodic reminders and alerts in case of deviation are sent to the patient’s smartphone.
  • Operations Management – With innumerable medical equipment in a crowded hospital, maintenance and safeguarding these can be a herculean task. However, with Canada’s smart healthcare implemented with IoT sensors can track each of the equipment for their location. Monitoring the equipment and predictive maintenance of the equipment are all added advantages.
  • IoT Wearables – IoT in healthcare has improved leaps and bounds  with the development of IoT trends- wearables for monitoring any condition of the body. IoT devices in Canada help keep the patient’s levels in check:
  • Glucose monitoring – The sugar levels of patients are monitored and the data is then transmitted to the smartphone or a computer. The sugar levels are thus continuously for early detection of high or low sugar levels or to keep the HBA1c levels of diabetic patients in check.
  • Connected inhalers – Inhalers connected with IoT sensors alert the patient from a triggering factor. Accurate monitoring for current status and alerts to intimate he use of inhaler helps stay safe.
  • Hearing Aids – Smart healthcare in the form of hearing aids is already popular. Canada has taken this to the next level by enabling connected hearing aids. With multiple advanced sensors, these hearing aids can act as smoke detectors with the help of smoke sensor, hear in a noisy environment and operate switches from a remote location.


  • Robotic Surgery – Precision is the key in surgeries. With the intervention of robots, doctors are more equipped to perform surgeries with more precision and control. Remote operations and guidance on the war fields help save many lives.
  • Waste Management – One of the most undermined part of healthcare industry is the medical waste management. With automated medical waste management and sensors in each dustbin, the level of trash is monitored and cleared using an automated robot once the threshold is reached. This reduces the risk associated with waste disposal, eliminating human resources in the process.


With increasing population, it is crucial to ensure healthcare to all. Canada is a pioneer in this field of smart hospitals and is striving to provide the basic facilitates to all its citizens. IoT in healthcare has tremendous potential and is immensely beneficial for both the healthcare providers and the patients. Adapting to the smart healthcare facility, like in Canada, is not rocket science and we here at WatchNET IoT can help you through the process! Be smart, shift to smart healthcare!

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