How the Internet of Things Impacts your Data Centre

Change is the only constant in this world!

We are becoming more and more global, with the steady merging of physical entities. Web connects everything today, including people and animals, if they are web-enabled. Thus was born the Internet of Things (IoT). From your alarm going off at the set time to brewing your coffee to the scientific discoveries, our world is connected to interact and communicate with minimal or no human interaction.

According to a survey by Gartner, there will be 25 billion connected things by 2021, surpassing the guesstimate of 20 billion. This sheer volume of connected things gives rise to challenges like security, storage and real-time issues in management. To avoid such bottlenecks, here are five simple data centre innovations:

  1. StorageOptimization– The data generated is directly proportional to the amount of data storage space needed. The data of IoT will increase on an astronomical level, leading to proactively scale up the storage space. New technology, focussing on efficiency and high performing storage systems, will be developed. This will pave the way for more data centres to be built and newer compression techniques to store data in an optimized manner.


  1. Network Requirements– Data centres are basically designed to support huge data to flow out. With the advent of IoT, data centres can expect a large inflow of data. Usually designed for middle-level bandwidth requirements, data centres will now have to increase their inbound data bandwidth.


  1. Consumer Privacy– Consumer data leaking out from an enterprise comes as no surprise to us. With the increased interest and yearning towards IoT, comes with the flip side of concerns over security issues. Data centres are under tremendous pressure to address these issues using avant-garde encryption and a more secure form of access.


  1. Localized Data Centres– With the influx of data, storage at a single centralized centre will no longer be viable. Localized centres, secure from any form of intrusion, need to be built to handle and process the data.


  1. CostEffectiveness– Storing all the data coming from the devices is next to impossible and would require an unfathomable amount of storage space. Selective backup of data, with efficient ways to sort data in real-time, will reduce the need for storage, however increasing the bandwidth and processing power.

The internet of things produces a tremendous amount of data, which when analyzed is an abysmal treasure trove. While acquiring this data is a task by itself, storing and managing huge amounts of data is the biggest challenge for the data centres in enterprises of any size today. Hence managed services through IoT devices are changing the technology industry by providing unified data centre solutions.

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