Game-Changing hyper-scale Cloud Data Center Solution 2021

In a connected world, to make efficient use of all the resources, data centre solution company is one of the optimum solution. With the advent of IoT trends and IoT solutions the world over, what were considered assumptions a decade ago, have turned out to be true and are being implemented now. With the technology becoming an inherent part of our lives, hyper-scale data centre solutions are taking the industry by storm!

So what is this hyper-scale data centre solution? A hyper-scale data centre refers to a computer’s ability to scale to cater to increasing demands. It can be considered of more of a distribution hub, where everything is automated and is able to store unbelievable amount of data. IoT trends and devices have made this seem really simple. What makes a data centre this big is not its size, but how the design is utilized to make optimum use of its resources. For a hyper scale data center to function, a few attributes are necessary:

  • High density server racks – Well designed server racks to house the hardware required is the first step to build a sustainable data centre. To maximize space usage, data centres are built as high as possible.
  • High levels of cooling – Any server room needs a cooling solution. Tall racks, densely populated, will require intense amount of cooling. To efficiently cool these rooms, HVAC systems are put into place. With hyper-scale centres, the cooling is compartmentalized. This structure can be partitioned into a high-intensity computing workload area and a general purpose workload area. The cooling power can then be concentrated on the high workload servers, also ensuring that the hot air is recycled.
  • Power consumption – While data centers consume electricity enough for an entire city, with the advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the latest trends, energy usage has become much more efficient. With hyper-scale data centres, space is not allocated in terms of racks, but in terms of power/kilowatts. Each rack is allocated a set amount of power and when this space is leased out, it is done in the form of kilowatts. Hence every customer is entitled to their own power consumption.
  • Security and space – Hyper-scale data centers hold tons of private and sensitive information and need to safe and secure, which is why the location of the server also plays a crucial role in designing the data center.
  • Balance of workload – With constant monitoring using IoT devices and sensors, it is easy to identify any overloaded or overheated server, which may then be relocated or redistributed to other servers, thereby controlling both the temperature and the data flow.

With all the top corporates like Facebook, Microsoft and even Google,  implementing the hyper-scale data centre solutions, it is time for globalization and better days ahead for the data centre industry! The increasing demand for cloud storage and IoT functionality will drive the need for such data solutions with an unique combination of energy efficiency and functionality. And there is no doubt that this will be the preferred choice in the future!

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