Environmental Monitoring & Evaluation – What? Why? Where?

One of the most dangerous attributes of causalities, causing nearly 9 million a year comes as no surprise – Pollution. With technological advancements and industrial growth all-around the globe, this is a hefty price to pay. Environmental monitoring is the need of the hour! Swelling population growth combined with the adverse effects of pollution, droughts and calamities brings shivers. What can help us preserve the world as we know of it for posterity is taking control and monitoring of the environment for a solution to climatic changes. With many countries like Canada & Dubai already implementing IoT trends to counter the ill effects of development, it is time the whole world adopts such practices more importantly Air Quality.


What is Environmental monitoring? It is the collection of attributes of the physical world that determine and analyze the trends in the environment. It can also be referred to as human ecosystem tracking as it tracks data points close to human welfare. Environmental monitoring assesses the environment in which we live and facilitates changes required for a better standard of living.


Where can the changes be implemented? IoT trends have evolved over the years to facilitate any tracking and analysis. IoT devices and sensors implemented into any building or area helps collate and save the data for future reference. For temperature and humidity monitoring, data loggers & hygrothermographs are available These devices continuously monitor and collect the data and are also used to alert in case of any discrepancy. For displaying only the current conditions, there are other set of devices available – thermometers, hygrometers and humidity indicator strips. Light readers and UV meters measure the radiation levels and visible light. With many high-rise buildings on the rise, commercial office automation will help cut the problem at the source. Commercial buildings account to most of the environmental concerns and automating the office premises helps reduce the carbon footprint.


Commercial Office Automation in Dubai and Canada is largely done using IoT devices. Smart HVAC systems with advanced control strategies help optimize the use depending on the occupancy of the room. Sensors fitted into the building help manage lighting, detect leaks, provide for proactive maintenance and reduce the load of the building. Continuous monitoring and alerts reduce the need for human intervention and human surveillance. This saves energy up-to 24-32%. Smart building solutions help capture granular data from all devices including the air flow, compressor run times, fan speed and so on, which helps analyze the usage and wastage of energy on a regular basis.


How can monitoring help us? With the world looking towards renewable sources, environmental monitoring helps:


  • to influence sustainable policy development
  • to inform on the areas for improvement
  • to set benchmarks for improvement
  • to provide a new and refreshing way of life


Environmental Monitoring can heavily influence environmental protection policies and offers one of the most affordable ways to improve our present conditions. This is the key in making informed decisions to ensure the longevity of the world as we know!

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