Importance of Data Center virtualization & automation using cloud

As per a survey, 60% of organizations will shift to automated tools by 2025 and about 75% of IT businesses will adopt automated operations by the year 2023. The buzzwords of yesterday have become a reality today – digital transformation in the field of data center. With the rise of cloud computing and IoT trends, data center virtualization and automation are now a reality. And in the current scenario, the importance of data center virtualization cannot be stressed more!


What is data center virtualization? This is the process of creating a data center that is scalable and secure and enables the virtualization of servers, networking and storage. Using a virtual data center enables one to host many virtual centres in the same infrastructure. Along with data automation, virtualization can create a seamless experience to manage the data center services.


What is the need for this automation? Cloud computing has increased the workload and storage of Data Centers. The number of connected devices has been on the rise, and so is the data collated. This requires the Data Centers to scale up to escape redundancy and inefficiency. This combination of virtual data center and automation helps you stay o top of the game.


What importance does this carry to your business? When we say that IoT solutions will help you optimize your resources and infrastructure, it is only the tip of the iceberg! Automation has a lot more to offer:


  • Reduces dependency – Data Center Virtualization will provide you with more flexibility. Any server issue is immediately resolved by automatically connecting to the resources from another server. This also helps in storing and retrieving your data safely, as virtualization allows fro regular backups to the cloud.
  • Reduce cooling system – Heat control is pivotal to a data center, which have to be maintained at an optimum temperature to improve the life of the equipment. With Virtual Data Centers, the task of maintaining physical servers is greatly reduced.
  • Improved cost effectiveness – With no need to purchase physical hardware, the purchase and maintenance cost is almost nil. This is apart from the downtime, the electricity consumed and the manpower to maintain the Data Centers, which are no longer required.
  • Improved scalability – With automation using cloud computing, the scalability of a business is maximized to achieve high levels of growth. Virtual memory, speed and storage can be added as per the demand at a lower cost and quicker time.
  • Improved productivity – With lesser hardware to maintain, it is one job less for your business. And this snowballs into various tasks off your employees’ plate, saving the entire organization time and energy to concentrate on their goals.


And the best part about virtualization and automation is that it is very easy to set up and use. With the changing scenario, automated data centers have become mandatory for a more responsive business. Virtual Data Centers offer various advantages to businesses of all sizes and it is a smart move to shift!

