Internal Air Quality monitoring using IoT

IoT has helped our lives in many ways, in-fact IoT trends and solutions have made lives easier to manage. While the recent surge in technology has improved our way of life tremendously, we need to take this with a pinch of salt – these come at a small cost of environmental air pollution. With IoT, environmental monitoring is no longer a task. With air quality monitoring systems and IoT devices, the data on air quality is collected and analyzed for a healthier environment.


Why is it important to monitor the Air Quality? In today’s world, it is estimated that nine out of ten people breathe in polluted air, as per the WHO. And the health hazards this causes are just the tip of the iceberg. And it comes as no surprise that air quality is a very critical factor while deciding on the place you want to live in!

So, what would be the baby step towards environmental monitoring using IoT? With numerous IoT sensors, it is inexpensive and easy to gather data about air quality at different places. Connected air quality sensors fitted into every corner – street lights, benches, traffic signals, building tops, and so on – help track the air quality across the cities. These sensors can constantly collect data and send it to the cloud to analyze the quality of air in each location. For a city looking for a more cost-effective solution, mobile IoT sensors work wonders too. Installing IoT devices onto vehicles and trucks helps achieve hyper-local air quality data. All the data thus collected gives insights into where the air quality needs to be improved.


So how do these IoT sensors help track environmental air quality?


  • Efficient Air Monitoring – These IoT sensors fitted both indoors and outdoors, as stated above, instantly detect particulate matter and air pollutants, which are then notified on your smartphone. Constant notifications help keep a tab on the air around us and breathe easily.
  • Toxic Gas Detection – IoT-powered devices can also detect any toxic gases and allow to take immediate action to prevent disasters. This is particularly useful in industries that closely work with fire and gas to prevent explosions or fire hazards.
  • Temperature Control – IoT devices also help in temperature and humidity measurement and maintaining the levels resulting in better environmental conditions for us. These sensors also monitor the oxygen levels, keeping us safe and healthy.


IoT devices are capable of analyzing this collected data and regulating the air. IoT purifiers to filter dust and pollutants, sensors to detect carbon dioxide and minimize it, smart HVAC systems, are just a few devices to help you with good air quality.


With IoT-enabled devices installed at all the right places, the air quality can be tackled in an innovative manner, thereby improving the quality of life of everyone. With automatic updates and an automatic action for any scenario, the devices can handle and manage risky situations. It is time for all cities to take action and gain insights into the importance and rebuilding of air quality.

