IoT for restaurants? Yay or Nay? Q&A with experts

The restaurant industry is a huge industry, accounting to a large sale number year on year. And we can confidently say that this industry is only growing year on year. IoT in the restaurant landscape has truly changed the traditional way of operations and moved towards a smarter framework. With IoT taking over the world, with everyone and everything connected to each other, IoT in restaurants is all set to streamline the process and make the industry more efficient. While you might be wondering how a connected system works for the food industry or how this can help retain customers, a quick Q&A will help resolve your queries!


  • How and why should restaurants leverage the IoT advantage?

Restaurants face stiff competition and having an edge over their competitors is always an advantage. With today’s customers expecting a quick and smooth experience, having a connected system will improve the over customer satisfaction.

  • What aspects of the restaurant’s working be streamlined?

With IoT implemented in the restaurants, tasks like booking a table to ordering food, monitoring staff to maintaining equipment, preventive maintenance to energy saving – all of the above can be streamlined.

  • One of the most concerning issue is food wastage? Can IoT trends implemented in the restaurants help in food management?

IoT kitchens are highly intuitive, that constantly monitor inventory levels. A precise actionable lost is sent to the kitchens to avoid wastage.

  • Can IoT help resolve the most talked topic of today – energy used?

With smart devices and sensors fitted into a smart kitchen, all appliances and equipment are interconnected. This allows exchange of valuable data and helps reduce energy costs.

  • With so much advanced technology in the field of food, are there any new interesting products?

Yes, and there are quite a few of them:

Smart deep fryer – allows for remote monitoring of cooking, oil management, electronic switching devices for electric or gas energy control

Intelligent vending machine – with temperature control, feedback campaign installed, various modes of payment

Smart oven – with pre-emptive alerts in case of issues, minimized raw material utilization, assisted cooking app integrated

  • How can restaurant owners save human intervention with the help of IoT trends?

With IoT devices and sensors, remote monitoring of cold storage and inventory, maintaining automated stock and data collected to maintain track of expiry dates of food is all automated, largely reducing the need for human intervention.


IoT implementation in restaurants has helped in changing the mode of operations, by giving them key insights into the working model. This pandemic has further intensified the need for restaurants to adhere to IoT technology to ensure a safe a sanitized environment for the staff and customers. Staying on top of your business with the added advantage of positive customer experience will leave you wondering if sky is the limit for advancement!

