What’s next with IoT in Canada in the Gym and Fitness industry?

IoT has fascinating possibilities in all industries. With various possibilities in the fitness industry, countries like Canada has been trailblazers in adopting to the digital technology to revolutionize the way fitness works. Canada has taken charge of innovating the fitness world by encouraging start-ups in the field of wearables. While wearables are just one part of the digital transformation, IoT in Canada’s fitness industry boasts of exceptional changeover from the traditional gyms and is standing out owing to the reinvention of the industry.

With the smart fitness market targeted to reach about $13 billion by 2025, it is important to note the growth and demand for smart devices and sensors in the gyms. With the pandemic in the recent times, going digital and experiencing the comfort of fitness from home by breaking down the physical barriers is the only way forward. So how has Canada aimed to achieve this feat using IoT? With the integration of innovative software and hardware processes, it is now much easier to track the fitness regime and offer suggestions based on the data collated and analyzed!

IoT in Canada is helping the fitness industry more accessible to everyone. Biometric sensors, smart goggles, wearables to track muscle activity, wearable devices with video games – these are just a few advanced devices being developed in Canada. To delve deeper into the benefits this has to offer, let us take a look at what the fitness apps can do:

  • Constant monitoring Being industry leaders in wearables, Canada has some of the best wearables in the world. These enable continuous tracking and monitoring of activities, which is then stored on the cloud. Fitness trackers help calculate the steps taken, special sensors track speed and footwork and so on. These devices also help in monitoring one’s vitals, triggering an alert during any abnormality.
  • Customized plans – Using the data collected, personalized diet plans and exercise regimes can be charted out. It helps trainers understand the needs of the users better and create a specialized fitness plan to aid their body and a diet which will suit them best. This helps track calorie intake and other essential goals to be met. A few apps are capable of suggesting special sports routine based on your interests.
  • Virtual training – Thanks to technology, it is now possible for users to virtually work out with peers and compare their data, making it more exciting, immersing and encouraging to exercise.
  • Connected work-outs – Connected leader-boards display member’s data on a shared board to visually track data over time. This incentivizes them to work harder and beat their peers to catch up and perform better.

With IoT being widely implemented across gyms, it is crucial to adapt to the ever-changing trends to be uniquely positioned to drive growth in your business. Evolving with IoT trends aids in better visibility and adds immense value to your business. IoT is game-changing – and it is time to up your game!