Towards a safer ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT and Security)

Imagine a world completely connected through an invisible technology; say from your car remote to the air-conditioners or your water saving channels to your entertainment mediums! Today, yes we can, almost. But hey, taking it a step ahead, as always, newer technology helps you remotely control any device, be it mechanical or digital products with the most important element, human! The Internet of Things (IoT) additionally adds value to the connectivity to the entire system, enabling seamless transfer of data.

Now the problem arises, how can something so complicated be simplified with no risk to the data and its security as vulnerability. The Question Mark!

Technological advancements mean (must mean) better security and not otherwise, right? IoT security is a comprehensive solution concerned with the safeguarding of this network. In short, it is the safety component of IoT and protects the network from security infiltrations. The Astonishing Answer! 

IoT challenges are as real as they can get. But sometimes users are paranoid while using important data over a network. Are these security concerns real and how does IoT Security handle them?  And here’s some more you may already have in your mind… 

  • IoT is in its very nascent stage and this often leads to incomplete testing with respect to the security measures of the product
  • Data runs today’s world. All IoT connected devices contain a trove of data. Hence, Information stored in these devices are a hotspot for breach of data
  • Passwords stored on your smartphone are easy to infiltrate
  • More the devices connected, more the information to misuse
  • It is further weakened by the lack of industry standards to measure safety

As you can see, even IoT has its share of security challenges. However, the impertinent nature of IOT C helps overcome such challenges to provide an utmost safety experience:

Here are a few things you can quickly ‘Do-It-Yourself’ to start with your security journey, entertaining yet education! But for everything else, do not try fixing it yourself.

  1. Install reputable security software – Standard and reputable software has to be installed on your smartphones, tablets and computers.
  2. Incorporate security during the design phase – Enabling IoT security at the stage of product development will put a stop to most of the challenges faced.
  3. Require strong credentials – Measures to ensure stronger passwords will lower the chances of a security breach. Additionally, hardcoded credentials should be avoided.
  4. App security – Applications come with a number of privacy policies. Always read the privacy policy and make an informed decision. Know the data the app wants to access, and if risky, deny access.
  5. Network security – With many devices connected using IoT technology, protecting an IoT network includes port security, stronger encryption, using firewalls and installing an intrusion detection system.
  6. Safe social sharing – Social sites exposes information, enabling cybercriminals to take advantage, leading to cyber stalking.
  7. Educate consumers – Creating awareness on the challenges faced by IoT and how to overcome them will go a long way in preventing misuse of technology and will help build IoT security.

    Most importantly, it is crucial to tap the benefits of IoT without risking the loss of sensitive data. Online security is more important than ever and with the above few precautions, a safer web is not far away!


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