IoT & Agriculture Industries in Canada

With IoT trends and devices penetrating all aspects of our life, it is not a surprise that IoT has also given a new direction to the field of agriculture with its latest trends and sensors. IoT in agriculture growth is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. With 65% of the population living in the urban areas by the year 2050 and global population urbanizing at a rapid pace, the only solution to more produce in the limited space is with the help of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. IoT trends in agriculture use IoT sensors and devices that helps Canada track moisture in the soil, temperature, humidity and further-more improve yield!


By tracking and collating the data from the devices, Canada is able to react in real-time, thereby ensuring efficiency and improved yield, thereby reducing the use of resources and heavy machinery:


  • More yield, at home – While about 24% of greenhouse gas emission in Canada can be attributed to transportation, 10% of this is purely through agriculture. With increased distance between the farm and the consumption areas, this emissions increase. With increased technology and latest trends in IoT, growing more with less is as important as growing closer to where you live. This not only helps to maintain a clean environment, but also helps Canada provide fresh produce to its citizens. Diverse IoT based applications like real time monitoring of the farms, precision farming, livestock monitoring and smart greenhouse can address agriculture based issues and optimize the quantity and quality of the produce. With the advancements in the field of technology, drones and other equipment help scan the area for gauging the best crop to be grown according to the soil conditions.

  • Reduced water consumption –  Agriculture accounts to about 70% of water usage. With automated and precise irrigation techniques in Canada, guided by real time IoT sensors, water usage is drastically reduced. Though freshwater is not scarce in Canada, these advanced irrigation methods ensure water wastage is reduced by curbing  water wastage in the subsoil and roofs. Indoor farming is another recent development, which helps the crop be insulated from weather conditions and also provides for better crop rotation.


  • Climate controlled farms – Canadian greenhouses have climate sensors to monitor the temperature continuously for an optimum yield. IoT bridged the gap between sensing the data and acting upon it. With the data collected, analysis on what is best for the crop is arrived at and this research helps make data driven decisions.


The impact of IoT on agriculture is tremendous; change is underway with all countries implementing the recent trends and leveraging it to their advantage. IoT in agriculture is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.7% by the year 2025. The use of technology boosts awareness amongst the farmers, thereby driving the market growth , exports and thereby the county’s revenue!

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