Efficient stock management through IoT-based cold storage monitoring

Cold storage industry is set to see a 53% growth as compared to the 26% growth in other sectors – all thanks to the perishable goods and pharmaceuticals consumed by billions the world over. With the rising population and the rising demand and the stringent regulations pertaining to storage and shipping of perishables, is the cold storage monitoring and facilities of yesteryears applicable in today’s technological age? Here is where IoT based cold storage monitoring comes into play.


Cold storage industry is a $700 billion opportunity, with major changes to drive the reduction of food wastage. And one major aspect to help bring about this revolution is the IoT based cold storage monitoring. With recent IoT trends creating sparks in other major industries, $40 billion is being invested to streamline the cold chain operations the world over! When installed correctly, the IoT sensors and devices help automate the cold storage facility, thereby achieving the ultimate goal – reduce waste! And this is possible by the various advantages IoT trends have to offer:


  • Inventory control – With IoT sensors and devices fitted inside and outside the warehouse, automated inventory tracking is triggered. This helps calculate the number of stored goods or packages and also calculates the amount fo empty space for optimum usage of the space. With the elimination of human interference and manual scanning, the data collected from IoT sensors record the stock maintained at the warehouse and alerts are triggered when a low stock or abnormal movement is detected. This system is also equipped with the facility to send alerts on the expiry date of the products, thereby pushing the sale or usage of a product well before it perishes.
  • Remote monitoring – With scattered cold storage facilities and the conditions inside, continuous monitoring for various parameters and deliverables was a constraint. With smart cold storage facilities, cloud based data storage and connected devices, various parameters such as temperature, humidity levels, stock, are continuously monitored from a remote location and any deviation is adjusted for remotely. This eliminates he chances of human intervention and error, thereby improving efficiency. Deliverables are also monitored remotely, including the route taken and the time taken.
  • Tracking management – The most difficult part of the the supply chain management is the last mile delivery. Once the goods leave the cold storage facility, delivering on time is crucial to protect their shelf life. With IoT based devices, the location of the vehicle along with the speed and driver’s behaviour is monitored in real time, thereby helping evaluate the time of delivery. IoT makes a difference by eliminating shipping delays.


An IoT powered cold storage framework leads to optimum utilization of space and resources. By tracking anomalies and rising alerts, this system helps minimize wastage and power consumption – which is the need f the hour. With awareness on this issue and the willingness to establish a supply chain model for end-to-end visibility, IoT aims to transform the way cold storages work and this transition is sure to bring in value to your organization and profitability to the entire industry!

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