Environmental Monitoring Solution with IoT Sensors

Connectivity is driving the world today! With increasing number of connected devices, the world is seeing IoT and its implementation in every industry.

And with this rapid rise of urbanization comes environmental issues that must be addressed. And IoT devices and sensors provide the solution to this – Environmental Monitoring Solutions with IoT Sensors. Environmental monitoring systems is one of the most beneficial and sought after IoT application. To understand the why’s and how’s of this, read further!

What is environmental monitoring? Monitoring the health of our surroundings using advanced IoT sensors to identify the presence of pollutants for a safer and sustainable living is environmental monitoring. 

How is this achieved? Data collected is using sensors and sent on a cloud platform using IoT Gateway, which is then analyzed for better environment management and is presented in a user friendly dashboard for informed decision making.


Why is this necessary? With increased abuse of the environment, it is only right to monitor the basics to lead a sustainable and healthy life! 

Environmental Monitoring as a System is a tricky framework, but thanks to IoT and the innovative strategies, the environment quality is kept in check. IoT possesses smart and innovative technology to monitor air and water to provide data in an insightful format for data driven action and preventive care. Environmental monitoring system can be further classified into: 

  • Water Quality Monitoring Water, the elixir of life, is critical to survival. Constant monitoring and conservation measures is a must to maintain the quality and purity of water. IoT devices including smart metres, irrigation systems, pH level reader and so on, fitted into homes, industries and offices, not only monitor the water consumption patterns, but also measure the pH levels, oxygen levels and check for pollutants in the water. Such data when analyzed can be beneficial to understand water usage and improve living standards.


  • Air Quality Monitoring Pollution is at an all-time high thus causes many illness. Air outside and inside a premise has to be free from pollutants. IoT enabled devices installed in office and smart buildings, can be used to identify the particulate matter in the air and record the data to be stored on the cloud. This data, when presented in a readable format, can drive decisions to improve air circulation and ventilation. 
  • Energy Monitoring – One of the best facets of IoT is the cost savings involved. And how! IoT sensors collect data on all the energy consumed in a building and the points from where it is consumed. Energy consumption patterns are then analyzed to flag the unnecessary usage of energy and reduce consumption. Automatic lights, remote controlled switches, temperature control – can prevent unnecessary energy use. 

IoT in environmental monitoring can help reduce costs by 25%, improve visibility by 100% and monitoring by 10%. With such easy to use applications, IoT should be a part of every organization to drive economic growth and environmental awareness. This the way forward for a better and healthy life!