Smart Architecture using environmental monitoring

With the Internet of Things (IoT) gaining momentum, more and more businesses are considering shifting towards and smarter, connected process. With increasing popularity and success, businesses across industries are leaning towards a smarter world. The field of architecture and construction is no exception to this. Smart buildings are gaining popularity all over the world. Smart architecture, with the help of IoT devices and sensors, increase productivity and is also a good initiative towards environmental monitoring. Many of the new commercial projects are opting for smart architecture and this is only expected to grow 34% year on year!


The advantages and long term benefits of smart architecture coupled with environmental monitoring are numerous and worth the effort. Taking advantage of the smart devices and sensors of IoT, any building can be converted into a smart building. So what is environmental monitoring? Environmental monitoring is the collection and analysis of data from the physical world that gives a picture of the condition of the environment. It paints a picture of how the Earth is this is critical to the protection of human health and environment sustainability. Using IoT enabled smart devices, this has become easy over the years.


So why is it important to implement this in buildings? With the world becoming a concrete jungle, we have no other option but to turn to environmental friendly measures. The pros of such a system are numerous, but here are a few to understand the scenario:


  • Temperature monitoring for efficiencyOne of the most debated issue is that of temperature. Global warming has rendered humans helpless against nature. However with today’s technology of smart sensing, we hope to redeem at least little of the harm we have done to nature. Automatic temperature adjustment would ensure minimal misuse of electricity and maximize the efficiency. While this is a huge task for large buildings, smart sensors like room alert provider provides great visibility into the entire building’s temperature, thereby raising alerts to avoid operational mishaps and maximize efficiency in the process. Humidity and other conditions are also monitored.
  • Automatic alerts for proactive actionSmart devices of IoT stand true to their name – they send out alert messages and triggers when any parameter deviates from its value. Immediate corrective action can be taken based on the triggers and this provides for quick recovery of infrastructure, instead of waiting for the situation to turn complicated.
  • Preventive maintenance for cost efficiency Remote monitoring in real time will help in predictive maintenance of the building equipment and ensures the machinery is in a good condition. Replacement costs and repair works can be prevented, thus prolonging the life of the equipment. By allowing the equipment to function at its peak efficiency, operational costs are reduced, thereby ensuring maximum profits!


Environmental monitoring can positively influence positive measures and implementing IoT devices into the commercial space can take this technology to a whole new level. Smart architecture provides effective data and allows for a secure and reliable system. To understand the complete potential, take a few baby steps, start with a few IoT solutions and then upgrade!

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